Configuration Properties

All properties listed in the following section can be set via environment variables, as command-line arguments or in properties files. For example, the bot.discord-bot-token property can be set using:

  • Environment: BOT_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=example
  • Command-line argument: --bot.discord-bot-token=example
  • In application.yml: bot.discord-bot-token: example


The token that the bot uses to authenticate to discord. You can find this in the discord developer portal.

  • Type: String
  • Default Value: null


The path to the database file. The bot will attempt to create this file if it does not exist. All data stored in the database is encrypted using the bot.database-username and bot.database-password properties. Should be overwritten when running inside a docker container.

  • Type: Path
  • Default Value: ./bot.db


The username for the database.

  • Type: String
  • Default Value: v-rising-discord-bot


The password for the database. It is recommended to use a strong password.

  • Type: String
  • Default Value: null


The delay between update attempts for the status embed, player activity feed, pvp kill feed and leaderboards. Cannot be less than 5 seconds.

  • Type: Duration
  • Default Value: 1m


Defines after how many attempts the bot will automatically set the status for the status embed to INACTIVE. The status embed is no longer updated if it is in status INACTIVE. Use 0 to disable this functionality.

  • Type: Int
  • Default Value: 0


Defines after how many attempts the bot will automatically set the status for the failing bot companion feature to INACTIVE. The player activity feed, pvp kill feed and leaderboards are no longer updated if they are in status INACTIVE. Use 0 to disable this functionality.

  • Type: Int
  • Default Value: 0


The maximum number of error messages to keep for debugging issues. This limit applies to the following commands:

  • /get-player-activity-feed-details
  • /get-pvp-kill-feed-details
  • /get-status-monitor-details

Use 0 if you don’t want to persist any error messages for debugging purposes.

  • Type: Int
  • Default Value: 5


The character limit for each error message that is persisted for debugging purposes. This limit applies to errors retrieved using the following commands:

  • /get-player-activity-feed-details
  • /get-pvp-kill-feed-details
  • /get-status-monitor-details

Increasing this limit too much might increase the size of the database file drastically.

  • Type: Int
  • Default Value: 200


Whether addresses from reserved ip ranges are permitted when adding or updating servers. It’s recommended to set this to false if you attempt to provide this bot as a service for others.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default Value: true


A list of admin user ids. Admins are allowed to send direct messages to the bot to issue commands. Commands are no longer guild specific in this context.

For example, if an admin uses the /list-servers command in a DM, the bot responds with a list of all server status monitors and not only the ones for a specific discord guild.

  • Type: Set<String>
  • Default Value: []


Whether the bot should automatically delete INACTIVE server monitors once a day. The cleanup job will run at midnight UTC and deletes all server that have been in status INACTIVE for more than 7 days.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default Value: false


Whether the bot should automatically create a database backup once a day. The backup job will run at 23:45 UTC.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default Value: false


Which directory to store database backups in. Should be overwritten when running inside a docker container.

  • Type: Path
  • Default Value: ./database-backups/


The maximum amount of recent backups to keep.

  • Type: Int
  • Default Value: 10