Configuration Properties

Property Type Description Default value
bot.discord-bot-token String The token for the discord bot. You can find this in the discord developer portal. null
bot.database-path Path The path to the database file. Should be overwritten when running inside a docker container. ./bot.db
bot.database-username String The username for the database. v-rising-discord-bot
bot.database-password String The password for the database. null
bot.update-delay Duration The delay between status monitor updates. At least 5 seconds. 1m
bot.max-failed-attempts Int After how many attempts the bot will automatically set the status for the server monitor to INACTIVE. Embeds, activity and pvp kill feeds are no longer updated for INACTIVE status monitors. Use 0 if you don’t want to use this feature. 0
bot.max-failed-api-attempts Int After how many attempts the bot will automatically disable the failing bot companion feature. Only bot companion related features are affected by this change. Use 0 if you don’t want to use this feature. 0
bot.max-recent-errors Int The maximum number of errors to keep for debugging via /get-server-details. Use 0 if you don’t want to use this feature. 5
bot.max-characters-per-error Int The maximum number of errors to keep for debugging via /get-server-details. Use 0 if you don’t want to use this feature. 200
bot.allow-local-address-ranges Boolean Whether or not addresses from reserved ip ranges are permitted when adding or updating status monitors. true
bot.admin-user-ids Set A list of admin user ids. Admins are allowed to DM the bot directly to issue commands. Commands are no longer guild specific in this context. For example, if an admin uses the /list-servers command in a DM, the bot responds with a list of all server status monitors and not only the ones for a specific discord guild. emptySet()
bot.cleanup-job-enabled Boolean Whether or not the bot should automatically delete INACTIVE server monitors once a day. The cleanup job will run at midnight UTC. false