v-rising-discord-bot-companion Integration

The bot companion is a server-side mod that allows the bot to fetch additional data about players, such as the gear level. It does this by exposing additional http endpoints on the servers api port.

I highly recommend not exposing the api port to the internet in an unprotected manner. The setup guide below explains how the API port can be secured using Basic Authentication.

It is not possible to use the bot-companion with GPortal hosted server as they don’t allow exposing the API port to the internet.

Setup Guide

  1. Install BepInEx on your v rising server.
  2. Download the v-rising-discord-bot-companion.dll
  3. Move the v-rising-discord-bot-companion.dll to the BepInExp plugin folder. You will also need the Bloodstone.dll.
  4. Enable the servers api port by adding the following to your ServerHostSettings.json:
    "API": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "BindPort": 25570

    It is not recommended to expose the api port to the internet in an unprotected manner. More on that in the next few steps.

  5. Start the v rising server and test if the mod works as expect by running the following command in your terminal: curl -v http://localhost:25570/v-rising-discord-bot/characters. Expect status code 200 OK as soon as the server has fully started.
  6. Secure the API port using Basic Authentication. Navigate to the BepInEx/config folder and open v-rising-discord-bot-companion.cfg. The file should look something like this:
    ## Settings file was created by plugin v-rising-discord-bot-companion v0.6.0
    ## Plugin GUID: v-rising-discord-bot-companion
    ## A list of comma separated username:password entries that are allowed to query the HTTP API.
    # Setting type: String
    # Default value:
    BasicAuthUsers =

    Put the desired username and password after BasicAuthUsers = . For example the following would configure a user apirising with e15kAly03I2K271b as its password:

    ## Settings file was created by plugin v-rising-discord-bot-companion v0.6.0
    ## Plugin GUID: v-rising-discord-bot-companion
    ## A list of comma separated username:password entries that are allowed to query the HTTP API.
    # Setting type: String
    # Default value:
    BasicAuthUsers = apirising:e15kAly03I2K271b

    Please choose a password that you have never used before, ensure that it does not contain , and try to make it at least 16 characters long.

  7. Restart your server and confirm that the API responds with status code 403 Forbidden when you execute curl -v http://localhost:25570/v-rising-discord-bot/characters. Next confirm that a request with proper authentication succeeds with status code 200 OK. For the above example the command looks like this: curl -v -u apirising:e15kAly03I2K271b http://localhost:25570/v-rising-discord-bot/characters.

Connecting the bot companion to the discord bot

  1. Make sure you’re using the latest version of the discord bot.
    • Tip: You can also find the current docker image here
  2. Use the /update-server command to update the server and specify a server-api-hostname, server-api-port, server-api-username and server-api-password. If the v rising server and the discord bot are hosted on the same machine, set server-api-hostname to localhost and server-api-port to 25570 if you used the ServerHostSettings.json from above.
  3. You should see the gear level for each player in the status embed the next time it is updated.

Enabling the activity or kill feed

  1. Use the /configure-player-activity-feed or /configure-pvp-kill-feed command and set channel-id to the id of the discord channel you want the player activity feed or pvp kill feed to appear in.
  2. The bot will now post a message whenever a player joins or leaves the server or whenever someone was killed in a PvP battle. It looks something like this:

    Companion Preview



Returns information about all characters that exist on the server.

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "Atra",
    "gearLevel": 83,
    "clan": "Test",
    "killedVBloods": [
    "name": "Socium",
    "gearLevel": 84,
    "killedVBloods": []


Returns a list of connect and disconnect events for the last 10 minutes.

Note that this is not persistent across server restarts.

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json

    "type": "CONNECTED",
    "playerName": "Atra",
    "occurred": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"
    "type": "DISCONNECTED",
    "playerName": "Atra",
    "occurred": "2023-01-01T01:00:00Z"


Returns the most recent pvp kills.

Note that this is not persistent across server restarts.

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json

    "killer": {
      "name": "Atra",
      "gearLevel": 71
    "victim": {
      "name": "Testi",
      "gearLevel": 11
    "occurred": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"